Saturday, April 11, 2009

the end..

i guess u really can't expect the whole phenomenon to last longer than it did. as mysterious as how it came, its disappearance was just as prompt.

hate to admit it that the thing that i'll miss the most are the banter in between the comments. not so much the entries.

well life goes on.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

crossing over..

i think i have crossed the line. from passive observer to active participator. u can still give good advice even if people don't know who u are. just lacks credibility is all.

Monday, November 24, 2008


i must say i never felt as liberated behind this mask. i finally found the courage to stand up to this one pest who felt the need to justify his arguments with childish, pointless ramblings.

if only i can do it without the mask.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

the why..

i've always wanted to blog anonymously. coz apparently you can get away with a lot of stuff that u normally can't if ur identity is open for all to see. not that i intend to write subversive crap or anything like that. nope i still believe that u need to be accountable for what u write so u still need to be careful. but the mask of anonymity kinda helps. it empowers you to be a little braver in giving ur views.